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Direct all inquiries to:

Barbara Andrews, Editor-In-Chief

P.O. Box 3037, Rutherfordton, NC 28139

(888) 515-PETS 97387)

Office Hours 9-4:30 EST Monday thru Friday

Reporters & Writers this issue:


Barbara J. Andrews, Publisher.  Author of seven breed books "BJ" has written for every major dog publication and is the breeder of over 260 AKC Champions and Top Producers.


Nel Liquorman, Feline/Health Columnist.  Nell is an artist and a published science and animal health writer, and commended by CATS (Californians for Alternatives to Toxics).


Delilah Penn, Animal Husbandry Columnist.  Delilah's common sense approach to ownership is refreshing.  She lives with dogs, cats, and any other species that needs a helping hand.


Stella Starr, Pet Columnist.  Stella is a published poet, writer, and former gypsy dancer.  She takes inspiration from the natural world and her animal friends.


Shirley Lawler, Feline Columnist.  Shirley show LaPerm cats in CFA and TICA.  She currently owns the #1 LaPerm World Wide for the 2006-2007 TICA show season.

Barbie’s Babies CKC Toy Breed puppies, all shots and de-wormed, Pomeranians (Blues), Chihuahuas, and Poodle mixes, call for information 936-377-4929 or

Brenda's Oorang Airedales -- EXTRA LARGE AKC puppies for Christmas, great temperament, full registration, written health guarantee, Raised with a lot of TLC!  (509) 826-6978;

IrishJacks, An alternative choice for your next Best Friend or family companion.  Highly intelligent, people oriented!  Contact Susan Sarao (908) 638-8111

Kenny's Welsh Terriers Championship English, Polish, Russian and US bloodlines.  Full AKC registration with breeding rights on qualifying puppies, health guarantee.  AKC Christmas puppies available.  (509) 826-6978

O’BJ Toy Fox Terriers.  Pick Show Male Available Now!  Linebred on Multiple Specialty & Group Winner, Ch. Hugely Handsome O’BJ (828) 286-9944 or visit to decide if this is the breed for you.

Rainbow Haus Doberman – 2 Yr. Health Guarantee.  We pride ourselves on healthy puppies, call for availability.  715-253-2011

Shively’s Livelies Toy Fox Terriers, sound, balanced in mind and body.  Marsha Shively (260) 438-5492

Turkmen Kangal Dogs The original Turkish breed.  Contact breed authority Tamara Taylor to learn the difference!

VIP Minibulls Top Ranked Miniature Bull Terriers.  Great heads, great mouths! See Ch. Danny at Westminster! Fran & Larry Milteer, CA. (661) 256-4076

Vom Springer German Shepherds Shipping World-wide, All European Lines, Training Available, Kris Springer (308) 289-3651

Westgate Toy Fox Terriers Susan McCoy says “Quality Doesn’t Cost, It Pays!”

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