By May of 1979, the livestock mutilations drew the official attention of the FBI which dubbed it "Operation Animal Mutilation."
2015 update on more bloodless cattle mutilations and Florida house cats cut in half! Gruesome government studies, UFO/aliens, or animal sacrifice by animal rights cults?
Oct 2015 update Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member
By May of 1979, the livestock mutilations drew the official attention of the FBI which dubbed it "Operation Animal Mutilation."
In December 2009, the Denver Post put a startling frame around the picture of puzzling animal deaths when it reported “worldwide, the incidents number more than 10,000…" Theories abound, with some pointing to animal-sacrificing cults and others suggesting secretive government experiments and even military-guided laser beams.
Many FBI case reports that the mutilations are virtually bloodless, eliminating predators or poachers. Authorities have no answers but the bloodless carcasses all have one thing in common: ears, genitals, tongues, organs and udders have been removed with surgical precision.
Bloodless Samples For Government Study?
In the remote ranchlands of the SW, a helicopter could land and takeoff without being noticed. Researchers speculate that may be what happened in September 2014 when Alex Peterson discovered the "bloodless mutilation" of one of his registered Angus cows. The veterinarian who was called out to examine her body noticed that two of her residual toes (called dewclaws) had been cut away without a sign of bleeding. There was speculation that a laser could have been used but all agreed that no predator could have chewed the dewclaws or for that matter, ripped away her hide and organs without leaving a bloody mess.
Those who support the theory of outer-space aliens point to “tripod imprints in a circular area near carcasses.” The strange pattern suggests “involvement of an atypical aircraft” which some investigators believe is proof UFOs land and take samples.
Ranchers report "strange lights in the sky” usually precede discoveries of slain cattle. Supporting that theory, there’s the still-classified Roswell, NM crash landing and more recently, extensive television footage of UFOs over Phoenix. Such sightings are now commonplace from Colorado to New Mexico, and only a minute away (at the speed of space) from the first authenticated UFO sightings in 1965 known as Incident At Exeter. Covered by Life Magazine, with amazing photographs, Exeter, NJ is still cited as proof of alien attraction to our electrical grid.
But there are other theories, ranging from the hyena-dog-wolf like chupacabra (link below to several videos of the creature) to space aliens to government nuclear research.
It is a fact that the government set off an underground nuclear explosion where The Four Corners of CO, UT, NM, and AZ meet, not far from the Jicarilla Apache reservation. One of the country’s most remote and desolate areas, it is visibly marked by the Shiprock formation. The reason for the "reservation" location is unthinkable.
The nuclear bomb was meant to unlock natural gas but instead it contaminated ground water and the constant wind spread airborne radioactive particles. Making lemonade out of lemons, the government quietly launched a long term study on the impact of radioactive exposure in the area. The study (and what precipitated it) was secret but it required tissue samples. Locals believe the ongoing study explains the mutilations. Bovine DNA is close to that of humans and unlike the Apache people, cows are docile and can’t talk.
The radiation-particles theory was postulated by a Japanese television crew’s 1990 interviews which uncovered the secret military installation, complete with black helicopters.
Animal Sacrifice And Mutilation TodayA new form of animal mutilation made news in 2015. The deep south has experienced a rash of house cat mutilation, this time, perhaps due to the smaller size, the cats are cut in half! The coroner's office in New Orleans performed a necropsy last month on a 2 year old pet cat found on the Covington Country Club golf course.
Police are in hopes the killer can be found and speculate on whether it is the same persons or cult that has also been operating in Florida. We're told the cat "had been cut in half in a remarkably smooth and bloodless fashion."
ABC’s Philadelphia outlet reported in 2013 “Investigators say animal sacrifices are happening with alarming frequency, a half dozen within the past couple of months.” More to the point, a director of law enforcement (?) for the SPCA said “"All the blood is drained from these animals in these sacrifices and used in the ritual." Is there a connection?
Animal sacrifice still exists from Europe to Africa to Asia. It is even practiced by the currently stressed President of Pakistan who kills a goat to calm his nerves! Here in the U.S., Santeria, a religion of African origin based on voodoo and worship of Roman-Catholic Saints, also employs animal sacrifice as does The Process Church{2} from which grew Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. But could religious ceremony or animal sacrifice be connected to the bloodless “ghost surgeries” on cattle? Our researchers say no.
Animal Rights / Vegan Message About Blood?On the other hand... TheDogPress took a call from a very unhappy reader who was offended by our coverage of animal rights. She ranted about veganism with rabid fervor, repeatedly referring to “bloodless sacrifices” and someone named Tristan Stuart. Eerily calm after the tirade, she said softly “There are stronger doctrines than Christianity and eating flesh!” and hung up. We googled “Tristan” of the vegan/animal rights movement and discovered Tristram Stuart, The Bloodless Revolution. Weird connection.
So are we any closer to figuring out who or what is killing animals and draining their blood? Could it be aliens? Or was it in fact, a government study that has become a perverted animal rights message for a “bloodless revolution”? If the cattle mutilations (bloodless removal of lips, tongues, genitals and vital organs) are some kind of U.S. government research, it is well covered up. We leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Some cattlemen have alluded to the mysterious Chupacabra as the possible culprit and along the border he's known as the goat-sucker because of the seemingly impossible draining of the victim's blood.
So what does the government say about the strange illnesses on the Apache reservation and the bloodless mutilation of cattle and other livestock? Nothing.
See VIDEO displays below for the best compiled video footage of the creature the government refuses to admit exists.
ref {1} ref {2} The Process Church and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, by former member, Skepticaltheurgist 10101510
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